Courses Section


 The section was established in 2003, to provide training courses that required by the scientific departments, educational institutions and governments offices.

Depending on developing scientific methods in computers subjects and its applications .The courses are published vie mail, e_ mail, official website an social media of the section .It has distinguished activities as a technical section that work with other sections to enhance the  center.

 The section has services that aim to :


·       - Develop the staff of institution, government offices and private sector by holding special courses.

·       - Establish free courses in computer basics for beginners aim to end the illiteracy of computer among employees of the university.

·       - Cooperation with the departments of the university and other universities in order to train their students during summer holiday through running summer training courses programme.

·       - Improve the level of the applicants in computer skills and communication and information technology and boost their efficiency in using personal computer and its applications and enhance their career future by doing ICDL 5, IC3courses.

·      - Developing the skill of graduates of university of technology via establishing special courses according to marketing work requirements to help them in finding suitable job opportunities.