Internet Section


Internet Division was established in 2003 to be distinct interface of the University and the Centre , large and precise choice of location of care, and its beauty, its size and the volume of activity and the services they provide, as well as the continuous follow-up to develop and upgrade its services as a technical division of the Computer Center contribute with other people in the development and work of the Centre expanded.
 We have been providing Internet services in the computer center in 2000 in a limited and under control after it provided the universities and educational institutions of suitable modern and sophisticated computing numbers, and the aim of this Division to:

  - Expand the use of the Internet, at the university and include all phases (undergraduate studies, graduate and researchers), in order to create a learning environment and embrace the electronic ideas and turn them into industrial projects after securing the basic needs of computers and linking them to a network of information and to expand this experience in the light of the results achieved, it has been allocated the bulk of calculators online site in the computer center for the purposes of the exchange of information so that it is a center of excellence and quality.

 - Web design and management of their content, as content and data sites have always been, the most important element in the Internet-based networks, websites and increasingly important constantly in built web sites (Web) as well.