The department has been held the visiting into the hospital of pediatric Injury the cancer disease


The department has made the visiting by the students of department to the Hospital City of Medicine – "section of pediatric" who were injured by the cancer on Thursday 30/3/2017. This visiting have been adopting by the department through since 2012.   as the  part of  the our social activity and humanitarian, which is directly  of sponsoring by Mr. President the University  of technology Prof. Dr. Amin Douai Thamer and  Head of Department Dr. Azad Rahim.

The activity was mentioned by the head of department the variety of the gifts which has presented to the children that provided by the box-donation of department.    in order to desire is  participating by the students into the visiting as results we are going  to arrangements  for much more visits  that's why the relaxation to deep awareness and responsibility to forward the class of community by the students of department . Through available the students at hospital and meeting with kids has been taken the gifts to aim gain them the smiling and enjoyable on their faces.  In other side the children have expressed on great happiness in this visiting by the students of university of technology as well as the admonition of hospital about the most thanks to the university of technology and department of control and systems engineering for kindness of initiative. Hopefully a quick of Healing for all Iraqi children and we are blessed our dear students for this a good role to forward their community that it is to needs for them and we are calling to much more success in their studying.   

The gifts were not the only thing the provided during the visit, But the department has contributed funds as the donation to buy the medical treatments and materials who needed by the hospital.

We congratulate the efforts of all those who are contributed to this humanitarian mission and we wish the progress and prosperity to our dear students.