

Patented: manufacturing metal composite materials with a basis of (aluminum - silicon) supported by a few minutes Graphite Foundry mechanically copper

The patent holder: d. Mona Khudair Abbas + d. Farhan Flaih Kzar + Jawdat Ali Yacoub

The date of grant of the patent: 6/11/2012

Patent Number: 3459

Patented: the production of silicon metal system using Iraqi Raw materials 100%

The patent holder: d. Shukri Hamid Gdab

The date of grant of the patent: 25/10/2011

Patent Number: 3347


Patented: calcium carbide production system using Iraqi Raw materials 100%

The patent holder: d. Shukri Hamid Gdab

The date of grant of the patent: 08/18/2002

Patent Number: 3080

Patented: the use of powder technology to improve some mechanical properties of the alloy ( Al-5Mg).

The patent holder: Engineer Hussein Ali Saidi account + d. Nawal Izzat Abdul Latif + d. Jamal Hussein

The date of grant of the patent: 10/11/2009

Patent Number: 3278

Patented: manufacturing and improve the oxidation resistance of the alloy with a basis of aluminum - lithium used in the aviation industry

The patent holder : d. Jafar Ahmed Taher + d. Mona Khudair Abbas

The date of grant of the patent: 28/07/1998

Patent Number: 2724


Original text