The University of Technology hold a workshop on curriculumperformance account by ABET standards


The University of Technology hold a workshop on curriculumperformance account by ABET standards

The quality and performanceuniversity Division in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Technology held a workshop on curriculum performance account by ABET standards, in the laboratory of "MATLAB" in the main building of the Department, in the presence of members of the chock Committee in the Department and the numbers of quality divisions managers at the university.
The director of quality and performance university Division in the department Prof. Dr. Maha Abdul-Karimgave a lecture at the workshop, that included training the procedures of curriculum performance account for all scientific branches in the department, according to ABET requirements
The workshop included a detailed explanation of how to draw repeated diagrams of curriculum performance, and the results of students and graduates questionnaire, that had been prepared in the department.

Source : Uot Media Date : 15/6/2016