the technology hold a seminar about the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him


the technology hold a seminar about the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him

the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Technology held a religious seminar tagged (the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him the triumph of blood over the sword) on Sunday, 23.10.2016 in peace Hall at the Department in the presence of the University President Prof. Dr. Amin Douai Thamer, who said the words fail to describe Imam Hussein, peace and painful event that happened to him, the sacrifice that he produce is a lesson we should invest it in our daily life to fight injustice.
The symposium included poems of the poet Abdul Razaq Abdul Hussein, as well as a lecture by Dr. Ahmed Khazal Jassim from the Faculty of Islamic sciences in Iraqi University. In this religious occasion focused on the value and moral lessons that are highlighted by Hussein revolution and tips that are founded by the Revolution.

Source : Website Section Date :27/10/2016