Master thesis student of technological manufactures precision vibration Fund to simulate vibration Shockwave


Master thesis student of technological manufactures precision vibration Fund to simulate vibration Shockwave

A researcher from the Department of Building and Construction engineering at the University of Technology reach to the manufacture of vibration box in accurately to simulate Ground movements affecting the foundations, especially totals Pedestals. Where was to conduct a series of inspections and tests the number of 94 test to measure and record the response totals pillars exposed to dynamic loads
He noted researcher Mackie Kamel Mohsen, who received his doctoral degree cum laude from the estimation of his thesis which tagged (dynamic Response Group to form the pillars in the sandy soil to the excitement the side) that facilities conduct based on deep foundations "pillars" under load ground is an important factor affect the performance of these foundations, has to the effects of the previous ground shown that strong pillars in the soil to be safe and transporting loads well, while the foundations based on poor soils or fracture or midwife soil are the most common type of soil that lead to problems caused by the Big disembark " Landing " Big as well as the movement of the soil.

Source : Website Section Date :30/10/2016