The Technology hold a seminar about marshes and geographical importance insert it in the World Heritage List


The Technology hold a seminar about marshes and geographical importance insert it in the World Heritage List

Environmental Research Center at the University of Technology held a seminar about geography of the marshes and the importance of insert it in the World Heritage list, delivered by Shayma Mohammed Jawad, the head of Geography Department in the Basic Education College at Al-Mustansiriya University a lecture about marshes and its importance, in the presence of a number of the University teachers and center employees in the Blue Hall on Sunday, 30/10/2016.
The researcher dealt in her lecture with identifying marsh, that is a collection of bodies of water that cover the lowlands of alluvial plain in southern Iraq and the estimated area of 9000 Square kilometers. in addition to the marshes importance in terms of its origins date back to the Sumerian civilization 5000 years ago and is one of the richest regions of the world in terms of the diversity of aquatic and wildlife, a large water reservoir of fresh water in southern Iraq, and because of its importance and approved by UNESCO on July 17, 2016 to put the marshes within the world Heritage list of international nature reserve.

Source : Website Section Date :31/10/2016