A Researcher from Technologically build distinguish patterns of human speech system


A Researcher from Technologically build distinguish patterns of human speech system

The researcher Wisam Hassan Ali from Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Technology to build a distinguish patterns of human speech system Visible Speech (VSR) in order to distinguish the English alphabet letters and number twenty-six characters from the words of the speakers with a higher rate for the classification of those characters where they were initially propose a new method for the selection of the best five images (frame), which reflect the video clip, which represents the speaker, and then built a new method to extract the lip clip of the speaker of those images with high accuracy and without any distortion in the extracted section in addition, the adoption of two new methods to determine the types of (features) that represent lip movements, where the first represents the geometric and calculate method , and the second represents a pictorial method of binary form of lips.
The researcher, who received PhD proposing six kinds of works to build several models (VSR) system which showed the simulation results of six works the highest success rate has been obtained by using LMSNT and it is 97.05%, followed by NVG RAM, which achieved a success rate of 94.67% In addition, the researcher was able to conduct the practical implementation of the work NVG-RAM on a physical device Spartan-3A DSP 3400A using logic gates programmable in situ (FPGA).

Source : Website Section Date :31/10/2016