The Technology announce about an extensive program of bio nano technology testing field anti bacterial and fungal effectiveness


The Technology announce about an extensive program of bio nano technology testing field anti bacterial and fungal effectiveness

Medical Technologies Nanoparticles at Nanotechnology research and advanced materials center announced about an extensive program to conduct laboratory tests anti bacterial and fungal effectiveness of graduate students, primary and researchers.
The head of medical technologies nanoparticles department at the center Lect. Azhar Jabbar Bohan said that the use of nonmaterial in biological and medical applications has taken a wide range in this vital area of large results achieved by nonmaterial in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer pathogenesis.
She said the teaching staff at the center had taken care to ensure all the hard work and practice to communicate with the ministry of health and environment institutions for the use and application of nonmaterial in practice.

Source : Website Section Date :15/11/2016