Electrical Engineering give master with excellent developing Network Iraqi capacity


Electrical Engineering give master with excellent developing Network Iraqi capacity

A thesis in Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Technology searched developing Network Iraqi capacity: selected topics in planning and evaluation of the student Kadhim Mira Suliman.
the researcher expectations of future load growth and expansion of the production sector and expand the transportation system and the expansion of the distribution system where the planning process that has been addressed in this research is the system of the Iraqi electrical power for the period from 2016 to 2030, which is one of the important fundamental things in the estimation of possibilities of how the Iraqi power grid growth in accordance with certain standards restrictions and it has been collecting a huge amount of data on obstetric and transport required from the Ministry of Electricity / Iraq, where it was adopted in this work simulation the power system engineer program and load (PSS / E) used by the Ministry of Electricity, for comparison purposes and analysis the planning evaluated through comparison and engineering opinion as well as the obstacles related treatment to the files of the Iraqi electrical grid data and united them, and the differences were in the expected load data and the plans of production and transportation expansion. The large processors introduced to the program data file (PSS / E) regarding the actual current power network and the presence of mobile terminals.

Source : Website Section Date :15/11/2016