Department of Building & construction engineering gives master par excellence for the study of the disposal of sand mixture with a rubber particleboard beneath the foundations of the machines in practice


Department of Building & construction engineering gives master par excellence for the study of the disposal of sand mixture with a rubber particleboard beneath the foundations of the machines in practice

Master Thesis discussed at the Department of Building and Construction Engineering at the University of Technology sand mixture with a rubber particleboard acted under the foundations of the practically machines for the student Sloan Ahmed Abdel Moneim.
It found the results to find that the vibration amplitude of the sand soft dry told by (78% and 77.4) in the best deep mixing (B0.5 and 1B) and the best mixing ratios were used (8% and 12%), where he was in this research study sand mixture acted with rubber particleboard beneath the foundations of the machines in practice has been used rubber particle dimensions (1-4) mm is the result of waste hashing of tires into small pieces in Babylon tires factory , in order to study the effect of the disposal of sand mixed with the rubber particle is a metal mold manufacturing.
And make ((49 examination laboratory for dry sand and saturated mixture particleboard .it happened to use of sand Karbala in this research of tow density soft and medium (35% and 60% mixture with rubber particleboard, three ratios of rubber particleboard were used (4%, 8%, 12%) for the weight of the sand and three deep mixing.

Source : Website Section Date :20/11/2016