A Student from the Technology designe and implemente a system of distinguish faces of smart house and sensor networks


A Student from the Technology designe and implemente a system of distinguish faces of smart house and sensor networks

PhD student Fatima Bahgat from Computer Science Department at the University of Technology designed a system of distinguish faces of smart house and sensor networks.
The researcher showed that the work in this dissertation is moving to build and design algorithms suitable for work in the smart home environment. This work is concentrate on the design and implementation of a vital distinction preparer to work in wireless sensor networks environment system (WSN) .. and energy conservation is the most sensitive point in wireless sensor networks and a wide range of specialized research in this field.
The researcher proposed three different algorithms to recognize faces in all of wireless sensor networks environment based on the principle of central algorithms based on computer loads transfer to private node which is the central node and go to wireless networks sensor depends on the protocol propose for calculating energy. It also proposed two methods for normalization to settle characteristics learned in part one based on the low torque statistical and working with real numbers and other statistical depends higher torque and deals with the resulting numbers and complex numbers resulting from Gabor filters.
The algorithms showed high distinction proportion reached to 100% and provide good power wireless sensor networks. It gave way (Har Gabor building) better energy savings and a smaller quantity of transmitted data.

Source : Website Section Date :29/12/2016