Energy Center Directors at the University of Technology receives a patent


Energy Center Directors at the University of Technology receives a patent

The Ministry of Planning / Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control granted a patent to the Director of the Center for Energy and Renewable Energy at the University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Amir Al Ameri for the manufacture of environmentally friendly paint derived from, with the participation of the research team composed by Prof. Dr. Abdel Hadi Kazem. Prof. Dr. Ayad Zouen Mohammed from the Department of Laser Engineering and Electronic Optics and Assist. lect. Talib Kamel Abd from the Center for Environmental Biodiversity and Prof. Dr Emad Abdul Hussein from the University of Nahrain.
Al Ameri said:
"The invention provided includes the manufacture of an environmentally friendly paint derived from dehydrator, which has the ability to inhibit the corrosion of soft steel in a single solution molar of hydrochloric acid. The results showed that enhanced inhibition efficiency was achieved with an increase in the concentration of coatings manufactured and used as an anti-corrosion material and low efficiency with high temperatures. The value of inhibition efficiency reaches 92% in the highest user concentration of new and environmentally friendly coatings. The new coating consists of an environmentally friendly dehydrator and a polar solvent.

Source : Uot Media Date :25/10/2017