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Sunday, 19 November 2017 10:41

The Department of Chemical Engineering holds a scientific seminar on the doctoral study

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The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology held a scientific seminar titled "Doctoral Study in the Department of Chemical Engineering: Thirty Years of Tender" on Thursday 26/10/2017 at the Dar Al Salam Hall in the Department.
Dr. Jamal Al-Rubaie, Head of Department, said: "The PhD programs aim at providing the needs of Iraq's human cadres for these scientific degrees specialized in scientific research and development, leading research teams working in various fields and deepening the links between the industry and the university by addressing Industrial problems through the development of chemical engineering sciences in order to keep pace with global progress in this field. The symposium included one session chaired by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fadel Abdel and d. The lecture was delivered by the head of the Department of Petroleum Operations Engineering at the Faculty of the Future University, Prof. Dr.Essam Kamel addressed the conditions that called for the university and the department to develop a doctoral study and the problems facing Search during completion. The second lecture about (the problems of the oil industry and the role of graduate programs in solving them) gave a lecture in which the assistant director general of the company refineries center Dr. Jaber Omran focused on the role of graduate programs of master's and doctorate through research capacity, research excellence and transfer of knowledge to be used in solving the problems facing oil industries.













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