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Thursday, 10 May 2018 08:07

Control and Systems Engineering department holds educational seminar

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 Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq held an educational seminar on the financial coverage in the conference hall in the department. The lectures were given by AthraaTaha and Nasreen Karim from the Central Bank of Iraq and in the presence of the head of the Department of Engineering Control and Systems Prof.Dr. Azad Rahim and all the sections of finance and auditing units at the university.

The seminar aimed to prepare this program part of the program prepared by the bank to raise awareness of the community in this area as the country seeks to expand the base of financial and banking services to various groups of society, where the resettlement of salaries of university employees part of this goal.

In addition, the focus of enhancing financial coverage is to support infrastructure, which is the systems used in that country, providing banking structures such as ATM, etc., banking awareness, financial products development and financial education.


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