

News Archive

1-Engineering Affairs accomplish pouring the third floor as a part of the rehabilitation and development project for engineering department of construction and    construction.

2- Engineering Affairs continue the work on the fourth floor for the construction of the vertical garage by 6 floors.

3- Teacher Haider Yusef is in partial discharge to complete a doctorate.

4  Engineer Nazar Abbas Jaber to Iran to complete the master.

5- Engineer Ahmed Khalil obtained a master license from Russia for the study of thermal processes of methane under normal load conditions.

6- Engineering Affairs continues to work to complete the project of constructing the building of Computer Engineering and Information Technology by seven floors

7- Engineering Affairs continues to work for the project "experimental laboratory" to develop and provide labs of scientific departments, research
and training centers of the Department of Chemical Engineering Labs.

8- Engineering Affairs continues to work for the rehabilitation project and the development of the Department of Building and Construction Engineering Building.

9- Deputy Minister of Higher Education and University President Inaugurated rehabilitation project of machinery and equipment engineering building

10-The university President praises work smoothness in automotive site.


الشؤون الهندسية تواصل العمل لمشروع "المعامل التجريبية" تطوير وتجهيز مختبرات الأقسام العلمية والمراكز البحثية والتدريبية لقسم الهندسة الكيمياوية.
الشؤون الهندسية تواصل عملها لمشروع تأهيل وتطوير بناية  قسم هندسة البناء والانشاءات.
الشؤون الهندسية تواصل عملها لإنجاز مشروع انشاء بناية هندسة الحاسبات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بواقع سبعة طوابق.
Minister Deputy of Higher Education and University President Inaugurate rehabilitation project for machinery and equipment engineering building
رئيس الجامعة يشيد بإنسيابية العمل في موقع السيارات.