The main activities of the Department for 2016


Head of the Petroleum Technology Department presented a lecture on engineering education at Baghdad University


The President of the Department, Dr. Mohammed AlJawad, presented a lecture on the (engineering education by solving problems) within the scientific symposium held by Baghdad University / College of Engineering / Department of Petroleum Engineering, entitled (Problem Based Learning) on ​​06/04/2016 at the department Hall. The lecture was held in the presence of the deputies of the Dean and head of the department, in addition to the faculty members and number of guests.

The lecturer has touched on the importance of developing methods of education in engineering colleges, because it is a clear reflection on the performance of the engineer in the work field. The lecture also included a comprehensive comparison of the educational style of the lectures and the new style of education. During this lecture, the respected audience has shown an interest in the subject through questions and discussions.