The main activities of the Department for 2014


 Mr. president of  the department  meets with the teaching cadre and employees of the department


      Met with the head of the University Technology Department of Petroleum, Dr. Mohammed Hafez Hillel teaching cadre and employees of the department on Tuesday, 02/04/2014 at the conference hall and the meeting was attended by associates of administrative and scientific cadre.

     During the meeting, discussing the need to adhere to the instructions of the ministry regarding uniforms and urged the Commission in Section of uniform outfits to students and pursue offenders and adhere to the guidance and the Ministry of Education about the progress of the operation section in test scores

     Mr. Hillel encouraged faculty on the need to participate in Flag Day since this event important scientific support for the process of education at the university calling for the teaching staff to provide ratios of completion of materials that have been taught in the first semester and the extent of compliance with the plan of study and further confirmed the nomination of the ten best projects for students stage ended and encourage students to share their projects in various activities such as flag Day , University day , Festival of Sovereignty, especially that section goes out to him in the first batch of this year.

     In the same manner, Mr. Hillel met with engineers and representing officials of the laboratories and stressed the importance of the role of laboratories in maintaining the reputation for sound department also referred to the laboratory devices which entered into the department in 2013 and number (66) device which specialized in Petroleum Engineering which shows that the head of the department is serious about development the infrastructure of the department.

     Then he  listened to the questions and inquiries for all attendees wishing further progress and giving service to our dear country.

He reminded that Dr. Mohammed Jawad is currently head of the department and is an envoy to the United States of America / University of Missouri to participate in the Leadership Development Graduate Program.