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His Excellency the oil minister visited University of Technology


The minister of oil engineer Abdel Kareem Laybee visited University of Technology on Tue. 24/May/2011 . The minster has opened the scientific fare accompany meeting in corrosion in the petroleum industry which has been prepared by department of production and metrology. The minister has been companied during his visit to the fare by University president Dr. professor Khahtan Khalaf, university assistant president Dr. Ahmed Ali Mussa and Dr. Hussien Salam Keetan besides the president of production engineering department Dr. Salah Kareem Jawad and president of laser engineering department Dr. Mohamed Hussien Ali. In this visit the minster has revealed the dissertation and university thesis which deal with subjects, samples and studies related to oil industries besides laboratory devices, field materials and which care for the subject’s processing. The invited people have reviewed the special scientific poster fare related to the subject