The main activities of the Department for 2011 Back

Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of joint scientific and technological research center of oil and oil-development / Ministry of Oil


In a framework of openness to scientific technology of the University on a field of work, a delegation from the center of research and development of oil / oil ministry to visit a decent PT department and will be held on Thursday, 04/07/2011. Where the delegation included the Director of the Centre (Dr. Kareem Abdul-Hassan Alwan) and staff of the Centre. It also oversees the section in the presence of the Assistant President for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ali Moussa Esquire. Where the visit focused on the completion of the final reading of the memorandum of understanding, joint scientific to be signed between the parties.
During the meeting, the President of the Petroleum Technology Section (Dr. Khalid Ajami al-Rubaie) explain  the objectives for which PT department  was founded in the University of Technology. Turning to the importance of scientific cooperation between field work and academic institutions, in order to prepare a generation of engineers, specialists who are able to promote the oil sector.
  On the other hand, Mr. Director, Center for R & D oil (Dr. Kareem Abdul-Hassan Alwan) about the Event Center and on scientific and technical capabilities available to it. He welcomed the proposal by the PT department framed oil on scientific cooperation, a memorandum of understanding between the scientific parties. On this occasion, initiated by the Director of the Center donated the University of Technology, the preparation of the scientific journal that is issued as a gift in the center of the department and the university.
And Mr. Assistant esteemed scientific support for the presidency of the Technological University of the culture of cooperation and that Iraq needs to such a culture of creativity in order to create scientific and integration between different institutions. Also touched on the experiences of the leading technological university in the activation of memoranda of understanding and joint scientific agreements and resulted in the concrete scientific achievements at the academic and applied.