The main activities of the Department for 2012


Petroleum technology department celebrates with directorate of Sport Education

In spite of  the short age of petroleum technology department, it has got a lot of sports Cups for the University of Technology championships, On the occasion of celebrations on Iraqi day and appreciation of the efforts of the directorate Sport Education of university of technology, the head of petroleum technology department (Ass. Prof. Dr. Khalid AjmiSukkar) honored the director of directorate sports, artistic activity at the university (Dr. Alaa Muhsin Yasser) and the department coach, Mr. (Issam Necdet) and students of the department who have received second place in the tennis  championship and the tennis championships each of the (Zaid Ali Majid, Amir talb Hamid, Firas Ibrahim Ammar)  on Tuesday, 3/1/2012 at the petroleum technology Department

The award ceremony was attended by the Administrative Associate (Dr. RmaziSehud Hamid) and Branch Chief of production (Dr. Raad M. Wafur) and Branch Chief of  reservoir (Dr. Raad Alkhalissi).

Head of petroleum technology department  praised the efforts of the directorate of Sport education to raise the name of the university in sports events also praised the role of outstanding students and their effective participation in all sporting activities and wishe them further success and excellence of scientific and  athletic.