The main activities of the Department for 2011


University of Technology participates in the International Conference of Iraq's oil studies

University of Technology Delegation participated in the scientific conference of Iraqi oil studies held by the Faculty of Science / Baghdad University, in cooperation with the Ministry of oil and that at the Hall of Martyr al-Hakim / University of Baghdad for the period 20-22 / December / 2011

The delegation included: Ass. Prof. Dr. Khalid AjmiSukkar/head of petroleum technology department Represented of the President of the University of Technology Prof. Dr. Amin DawayThamir and group from the teaching staff, Dr. Raad M. Wafur , Dr. Mayssa Ali Abd Uwn , Essam Abd Al-Jaleel Those who participated in scientific research Reflected the status of the university as  advanced leadership which is keen to supplement the oil sector with modern engineering expertise  relevant the oil industry as well as scientific specialties and different engineering

It is worth mentioning that all the delegations participating in the conference praised the role of the university, which always seek to keep up with modern scientific developments .