The main activities of the Department for 2012


The opening of petroleum fluid flow laboratory


Within the celebrations of the anniversary of the establishment of the University of Technology ,President of the University (Prof. Dr. Amin DawayThamir ) opened a  laboratory for petroleum fluid flow in petroleum technology department on 23/4/2012.

The head of the department (Ass. Prof. Dr. Khalid AjmiSukkar ) said: This modern laboratory specify in examining the flow of petroleum fluids in pipes And includes modern equipment To measure the flow rate of fluid And the amount of the losses that occur during Flow inside the tubes Which enable the student to take the full knowledge of The requirements of practical work to study the specifications of a particular pump liquid density and viscosity of material power pumps or pipes within the payment Thus achieving great scientific interest for students of the second phase.

Associate Scientific (Dr. Asawer Abdul Rasul) said  : This  laboratory is complement to the theoretical material/ flow of fluid. It contains a set of devices for  transmission fluid And includes (18), including : Alreynold measurement and knowledge of flow patterns , Measure the energy losses in the tube and the momentum of the fountain , measure the energy losses in the bends,  Hydraulic And all the experiences of modern specialized in pumping operations, production and transportation of oil and gas.