The main activities of the Department for 2011


Petroleum technology department held educational seminar on human rights

Within the department's educational activities, the department held educational seminar entitled (History of Human Rights) In cooperation with the Committee on Human Rights in the University of Technology will be held on Thursday, 29/12/2011by Mr. (Shirzad Ahmed Abdel Rahman) President of the Committee of human rights at the University of Technology at the conference room in the department.

the lecture was attended by Mr. (Mohammad Abdel Latif), a member of the human Rights Committee and a group of teachers and employees of the department.

The lecture was attended by Mr. (Mohammad Abdel Latif) Member of the Human Rights Commission and a group of teachers and employees of the department.

The lecturer referred to the historical dimension of human rights to study ways of deepen the concept of human rights to the audience for a new Iraq based on love and faithful  work, to the values ​​of humanity