The main activities of the Department for 2012


 Lecture for Research and Development oil Center  at petroleum technology department


On the occasion of the anniversary of the (37) to establish the University of Technology the Petroleum technology department  Cooperate with Research and Development oil Center in oil ministry  Lecture entitled (The reality of the oil industry in Iraq) delivered by the Manager of Research and Development oil Center (d. Kareem Abdul-Hassan Alwan) Where the lecturer discussed  the reality of Iraq's oil industry which has seen a big jump in the current stage because of the Iraq Programme to increase on energy and production of oil, which is reflected thoughtfully on the Iraqi economy according to the strength and growth steps calculated.

On this occasion, the President of the University (Prof. Dr. Amin DawayThamir) welcomed Joint scientific cooperation between petroleum technology department and Research and Development oil Center /ministry , and provided mural of thanks and appreciation to the lecturer.

He said (Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalid Ajmi Sukkar) head of petroleum technology department, The objectives of this scientific lecture Is to enrich the academic side of applied experience ,of the reality of Iraq's oil industry.  the R & D center is spine to draw a scientific plan for the oil ministry in cooperation with all Oil companies