The main activities of the Department for 2012


The prospects for Iraq's energy In a lecture to the former oil minister


on the occasion of the anniversary for foundation  University of Technology, the Department of Construction Engineering and Construction delivered a Lecture on the prospects of Iraq's energy  by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum At the Hall of the Department, attendance of the President University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Amin DawayThamir) And Deputy from the Ministry of Environment Kamal Hossain , Assistant Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Mohammed Yahya al-Ani

And Head of Construction Engineering and Construction a. Dr. Riad Hassan al- Anbari  And a number of heads of departments and the university lectures

And Head of Construction Engineering and Construction a. Dr. Riad Hassan al- Anbari  And a number of heads of departments and the university lecturers .

the President University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Amin DawayThamir) presented  Shield of  University of Technology to Dr. Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum And Deputy the Ministry of Environment Kamal Hossain . the same day Witnessed the opening of Laboratory water desalination  at Department of Construction Engineering and Construction

The Dr. Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum was pleased Visit this edifice academic And the participation with the brothers university president and heads of departments and praises the faculty and students on their  celebrating day  university .He considered this university of universities promising future, which could stay fingerprints on the educational system for our country now and the future And therefore hope that the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research be  distinguished for its development and the development of its divisions . I am happy to listen to conversations based on the university on the developments that took place in this university over the past years and the new sections that have reached to 14 section last one is petroleum technology department