The main activities of the Department for 2012


Petroleum technology department at university of technology Organize a training course for employees of the Ministry of Oil


Petroleum technology department at the university of technology organized with the Center for Continuing Education at the University a Training course for the employees of the Ministry of Oil on the economics of the petroleum industry

The course entitled ( economy  in oil and gas technology) aims to  introduce  modern scientific techniques in the accounts of the economic viability for oil projects ,and studies  the main factors affecting the operations of oil production and oil prices in the world markets.

The session was attended by 14 trainees from various training companies and the Ministry of oil (oil marketing company, Oil Products Distribution Company, Midland Refineries Company, Oil Training Institute - Basra, financial and economic unit at the Ministry of Oil). Were delivered a number of specialized scientific lectures ( Dr. Khalid Al-Ajami ) / Head of  Petroleum technology department  on the economic reality of the oil and gas industry and modern technology in the accounts of the economic viability of oil projects

It should be noted that the Petroleum technology department is one of the modern engineering departments for University of Technology, which was establish in the academic year 2010/2011 for the country's need for this specialty in order to cover the Iraq Program for increasing the production capacity of oil, that oil industry is the backbone of the Iraqi economy.