

Nanotechnology Center at the University of Technology announces an extensive program for testing in the field of Bio-nanotechnology anti-effectiveness of the bacterial and fungal

Within the expanded scientific programs which adopted by the Nanotechnology Research and Advanced Materials Center under a plan for the current academic year 2016/2017, biomedical Nanotechnology department at the Nanotechnology center was announced an extensive program to laboratory tests of the anti-effectiveness of the bacterial and fungal for graduate and primary students and researchers.

It is worth mentioning that the use of nanomaterials in biological and medical applications was great in this vital area because of the big results that were achieved by nanomaterials in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer diseases. From this standpoint, head of biomedical nanotechnology department reported at the Nanotechnology center Assistant Lecturer Azhar Jabbar Bohan that the teaching staff at the center were careful to communicate seriously and practically with the ministry of health and environment institutions for the use and application of nanomaterials in practice.


Date: 15/11/2016