Wind Turbine Tower Analysis by ANSYS


Name of Student                                       Name of Supervisor           

     Ali Mohammed Fadeel                                          waffaa Abd Sood . Dr                                                         


      Wind energy has gained popularity worldwide as many countries aim to increase the production of clean energy .Thus, the need for research in this area has become evident. Wind turbine towers are different from other structure because of the geometry, thus the capacity of wind turbine tower are subjected to dynamic load.

    In order to analyze the flow field around the wind turbine blade, a solution of Navier-stoke equation is required. Because of the complexity of air foil surface configurations and the strong viscous effect, it is impossible to obtain an analytical solution of the navier-stoke equation for partial configurations. Thus, numerical techniques (CAE Package)have to be used to solve the equation, the Package also used  to analyze the structures of the blade turbine.

     The modeling design of the tower has two levels; first level is to check the natural frequency, stress, and deformation on the tower which is structural analysis.

    To improve the natural frequency of the structure,  the tower was divided into multe parts, so we one  can improve it. The second part of the analysis is fluid analysis to evaluate the force cased by air on the tower mere found . The distributions of the air velocity in X-Y direction and  pressure on the tower.  From the last analysis one can  find the force and shear stress in X- Y and Z direction