Master thesis discussion


A graduate student in the Department of Control and Systems Engineering (Karar Ghalib Ali) received a very good assessment of the discussion of the Master Thesis (Intelligent Optimization for Wireless Sensor Network-Controlled System) on Monday 19/6/2017 in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Ekhlas H. Kareem as Chairman of the Committee, Assistant Professor Dr. Muna M. Jawad as a member, Lec. Dr. Ekhlas Kadom Hamza as a member and Assistant Professor Mohammad Dr. Safana M. Rafaat as a member and supervisor.

The thesis interested with the dropping the energy consumed by a WSN, accelerate the speed of MAS to reach to the specific goal and eliminate the swing. In formation control, we are building two geometric shapes (circle and hexagon) geometric shapes with multi-vehicles and increase the velocity of formation control. These can be partially achieved through the use of CA integrated with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The graph theory has been used to build the communication topologies between the nodes in NCS.