Head of the Section


Department  Board

  1. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abd al-Wahab.
  2. Assist. Prof.Dr. Salah Aldeen Adnan
  3. Prof. Khalid Salim.
  4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayad Zwain.
  5. Assist. Prof. Dr.Jassim Kadim Hmood .
  6. Assist. Prof. Dr.AbdlHadi Kadhim  Judran .
  7. Assist. lect.  Ahmed Wael.
  8. Assist. lect.Marwa Sabah Muhssen.

Head of Department
Prof. Dr .Mohammed Abd al-Wahab Minshid.
Date of receipt of post: 4/2/2015.
Speciality: Electrical Eng(electron).
Specialization: Laser Technology.

Scientific Associate Head
Assist. Prof.Dr. Salah Aldeen Adnan.

Date of receipt of post:27/7/2017
Major: (Electric-electronics) engineering.
Specialization:optoelectronics Engineering .

Administrative Associate Head
Prof. Khalid Salim.
Date of receipt
of office :24-6-2015.


Head of Optoelectronics Engineering Branch
Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayad Zwain
Date of receipt of office :30-9-2014.
Major: laser Engineering.
Specialization: Laser application.


Head of Laser Engineering Branch
Assist. Prof. Dr.Jassim Kadim Hmood .
Date of receipt of office :.27/7/2017
Major: Electrical Engineering.
Specialization:optoelectronics Engineering .                   

Tutor Representative

Assist. Prof. Dr.AbdlHadi Kadhim Judran .
Date of receipt of office :.27/7/2017
Major: Physics.
Specialization: Solid State Physics. .                   

                 Quality Assurance Manager
Assist. Lect. Ahmed Wael.
Date of receipt of office :1-2-2015.
Major: Optoelectronics.
Specialization: Fiber optics communications.

  Decider of the Department
Assist Lect. Marwa sabah
Date of receipt of office :2-4-2017