English language center in the University of Technology announces the date for the establishment of the Conference ( Speak up Technology )

English language center in the University of Technology announces the date for the establishment of the Conference( Speak up Technology ) :

The event (Speak up Technology) will be the first of quality in Iraqi universities on Wednesday, 16 / 3 / 2016 on the theater of the University from 9:30 until 12:00.
General advocacy for everyone...

The event like the world event TEDx but will be the topics in English only participants are a profile of the students of the Technological University 👫as indicated below: *first speaker ( Rose + Hassan) ( production + electricity)
* second speaker ( Amir demanded ) ( Oil Engineering)
* Third spokesman ( Agen Hassan)  ( of the production and nodules)
* spokesman IV ( Saad ) (electricity)
* spokesman v (possession Khalil )  (of architectural)
* spokesman VI ( Mustafa Haidar) (chohromechanic)
* spokesman VII (Mina + Mazen)  ( materials oil +)
* spokesman VIII (Hura Salim)  ( Computer Science)
* spokesman IX ( Fatma Salman ) ( building and construction of)
* spokesman x (Sami Allawi) (Electrical and electronic engineering)

Please attend the students of the sections to encourage 👯indeed there.
Guests of the event:
( US embassy in Baghdad🇺) (Organization of American AMEDST🇺) (🏡Iraq builders 🏩 ( the institution of long 🎭) (ironing carte 💳)
and will have a honeymoon in the courtyard of the theater.
.Dont miss fun attendance🏃🏃and watch the topics in the English language.
* General advocacy for all students of the University and its affiliate📜📜
* either graduates 🎓they have 100 seats only and registration please billion form through this link


and will send invitations to them via email 📩five days before the start of the effectiveness.




Source: English Language Center

Date Published:6/3/2016