English Language center honored by the medial of the university for been excellent in the academic and administrative work

English Language center honored by the medial of the university for been excellent in the academic and administrative work :

Within the celebrations of the anniversary per the 40th founding anniversary of the university was honoring the sections and centers distinct circuits for this year on Wednesday 13/4/2016 had obtained the status of the English language to the second aspect of excellence and academic and administrative between service centers and education of the University under the criteria adopted to assess the centers were recognized Mr. University President Dr. Amin, Duway Thamer the shield on the University to Ms. of the Director of the center, the M. That Kazem Abdul.
In a meeting with the director of the center, the M. That Kazem Abdul on the occasion said that this achievement was the fruit of the efforts of the personnel working in the center of higher and ensure they have in their work should be grateful to all the members: and called on them to provide more room service for our country Habib.




Source: English Language Center

Date Published:18/4/2016