English language center holds courses for staffs' sons

English language center holds courses for staffs' sons of UOT

 In support of us to our staffs and affiliates of the university to announce the establishment of specialized courses to develop the English language sons staffs' and associate members during the summer holiday, to be divide to two: the first (basic course of the English language) and include students of the intermediate stage, and second ( the medium of the English language) and include students of the preparatory stage. To be a symbolic cost (100,000) 100 thousand dinars, the cost of the participation of per person. Held the first session for the period from ( 28/8 - 8 / 9 / 2016) and second session (18 - 29 / 9 / 2016)
* seats allocated to the very limited and according to absorb a laboratory of the English Language Multifunction Multimedia Laboratory
*registration in this form is to book a seat first and to confirm the booking, please visit the center of the English language to pay the amount of the subscription.
* neglects the student's name if not payment before the date of the (28) 8 (2016)
registration please press on the link below.




Source: English Language Center

Date Published: 29/05/2016