
First Exhibition Design Day

First Exhibition Design Day

On Monday, May 17, 2015, the University of Technology held, under the care of its president Professor Dr. Ameen Daway Thamir, with cooperation of International Research & Exchanges Board (IERX) its First Exhibition Design Day. This event is one of the greatest events to raise the academic skills & scientific levels, and to supply labor market with qualified researchers, engineers, and professors. The opening ceremony was attended by The University president and his assistants together with the head of Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. Moayed Razooki. Moreover, many staff members of the university and engineers attended this event. Excellent students from the university participated in this event where they showed their design projects. The representative of IREX Dr. Laurie Mason was there as well. The opening ceremony started with the speech of the president of the university where he announced that this day is the start of the continuous cooperation with global & scientific Institutions. He emphasized on developing education level to bridge the massive gap between Iraq and the world, before 2003. He clarified that IREX has a great success with the University of Technology because of the university hard work professors and students. The start of this kind of event was in 2007-2008 where five professors participated at that time whereas; 65 professors in 2014-2015 participated in this event which is great evidence on the success of learning path at university of technology. Representative of IREX was pleased with the concentration on design courses and projects because they are considered the language of the engineer, and to prepare creative future engineers. Also, she encouraged the cooperation among professors, students, and labor market to have a positive influence on the future.

The exhibition started by exhibiting students designs from all the University departments. Also, students of forth stage for Mechanical Engineering departments participated as well where the designs were two types; first graduating projects under professors' supervision. The other type was designs from student’s own creation and their own ideas with minor supervision from design professors.
All the attendant people were pleased and the participated designs were evaluated by a committee from each department. The committee of mechanical engineering department consisted of the head of the department, general supervisor for educational guidance, and professors of the design course. The mechanical engineering took the first rank while the construction department was second. The chemical department was the third.

Source: Uot Media

Date :27/7/2015