Sunday, 22 May 2022 07:01

Materials Eng. Dep. hold 9th Cultural Season

Under the Patronage of the President of the University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ghaban, & the supervision of the Department head, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hussein Alaa Gaber, Materials Eng. Dep. held 9th Cultural Season (15-19/5/2022).

The first day activities began with the national anthem and reciting a verse of the Holy Quran, then the Department Head speech (this Cultural Season is held for the 9th year respectively 2021-2022, which included exhibitions of, Art Form, AutoCAD, charity bazaar, sports & intellectual competitions for students.)

As well as lectures about, Al- Ain foundation, cybercrime, dangers of drugs & health awareness for the University students'. The primary purpose of holding this season every year is to open the students' horizons to refine their creativity & innovations, & the communication becomes closer. We are grateful to the Presidency for the continuous support.

Assist. Lec. Haider Basil Ali was the rapporteur of lunching of the one session that included: an introductory lecture about Al-Ain Foundation delivered by Mr. Ali Karim who presented a historical overview of the establishment of the Al-Ain Foundation & its lunch documentation of martyrs & terrorism victims' & orphans’ care, within orphans’ sponsorship file.

Then he touched on the UOT positions in this condition calling it the most humanity, which began 6 years ago, (a good imprint of UOT students).

In a related context, the UOT President inaugurated the exhibitions of AutoCAD & Art Form for students, & the charity bazaar.



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