The main activities of the Department for 2015


The Petroleum Technology Department has established the Branch of "Oil Facilities Management Engineering".


In order to prepare qualified staff for the development of plans for the oil industry strategy and the management of energy resources and projects and in order that the graduates of this specialty earn engineering and management scientific skills at the same time,  the Petroleum Technology Department has prepared a study concerned with the development of new engineering branch that is (Oil Projects Management) in which graduates are awarded the certificate of Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering in addition to the Certificate of Higher Diploma or Master's degree in Engineering Management Sciences of oil facilities within five years of study.

The first meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prof. Mohammed Saleh Aljawad, the Head of the petroleum technology department on Thursday 22/10/2015 in the Council Chamber. The meeting included the preparing of the curriculum for the branch to be introduced. It is worth noting that the curriculum for the first three years will be focused on basic sciences in petroleum engineering with introductions in Engineering Management. As for the last two years, it will be focused on the administrative sciences and its engineering applications.