Dr. Hayder Abed Dhahad
Head of Department

The practical training one of the key elements in university education, especially in the field of engineering and technical and is under the training center and laboratories constant since its inception in 1960 and the system is aimed at providing and blending scientific expertise and the process that qualifies graduates of our university to achieve professional success in making future engineer so that they have a big role in the growing and economic development in Iraqna Aziz.an training center and laboratories of the important centers of the University of Technology for his outstanding and the effective training of students in the University of Technology and from all disciplines of science and engineering departments within the university and training courses and development and in all disciplines for all ministries and institutions and government departments for the development of applied scientific capabilities to effectively by specialized staff and qualified locally and globally in addition to the availability of machinery and equipment and machinery related to these courses and the availability of machines programmed modern addition to ongoing communication cadres engineering Center with the technological development in the world. And major scientific breakthroughs have been made during the march of the center in the field of training to apply scientific training curriculum updated and machinery and modern and equipment over the last few years, the center was able to provide in addition to the mentioned a lot of different services, including scientific and technical courses within a sequential programs to provide all that is new and useful engineers sector and technicians in various state departments and by renewable scientific requirements and we look forward to the rise and upgrading all its goodness and repair service engineers dear and raise our university with scientific history ancient name high among different universities of the world . We also emphasize the interest and continued support we receive from Mr. Rector esteemed Prof. Amin Douai Thamer and insist on the development of workshops for the advancement of scientific realities and the training and determined to run an engineering productivity workshops within the objectives of the our university to activate the university productive work and here we are now the role of rehabilitation workshop plumbing and with God's help we will rehabilitate the welding and blacksmithing workshops for the development of the educational process and training programs. For our university and our dear country ancient which is in dire need to promote the reality of education and teaching service.