About Department - Vision ,Mission and Goals Back


To prepare distinguished engineering staff distinguished within the specializations(Computer Engineering, Control Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering).



To make the department the most distinguished engineering departments in the Middle East, innovation and leadership in the fields of engineering specializations (Computer Engineering, Control Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering).


  The Goals:

- To provide students with the basis of knowledge in scientific fields.
- To improve the professional abilities of students in the thinking and creativity analysis.
- To prepare qualified engineers commensurate with the responsibilities that lie ahead in the workplace.
- to Add  a touch of scientific experience and experimental methods, the use of computer technologies, writing technical reports, communication skills    and to communicate with others and instill the team spirit among students.
- To Focus on scientific research and its vital role in serving the community and solve problems and to encourage faculty members and students to    take this aspect into account.
- To establish and start higher studies forthe mentioned specialization above for both master's and doctorate degrees.
- To make pace with rapid and continuous changes in all fields relevant to consonantal and renewable development for the academic plans.