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IETAS 2024
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Academic Impact UNAI
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Google Map

[googleMaps addr="4 Yawkey Way~Boston, MA 02215" addoverview=0 label="GOOLE_MAP_LABEL" width=100% height=400 ]

Sed accumsan vulputate

Donec sem est, congue eu ultricies et, tempor ac turpis. Nullam felis odio, suscipit eu tincidunt quis, gravida eget massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium venenatis dui, sed euismod felis dapibus sit amet. Ut dignissim justo sit amet tortor imperdiet mollis. Nam at purus id erat tempor varius non ac tortor. Ut pretium enim eu odio hendrerit vulputate. Praesent nibh mi, dignissim a eleifend id, ultricies ut erat. Maecenas mollis porta lacinia. Donec ultrices laoreet enim, non tincidunt mi sodales sagittis. Nulla et lectus vel enim dictum sodales vitae vel arcu. Phasellus a tortor enim. Nullam posuere hendrerit neque in porttitor.

Maecenas ut lorem imperdiet tortor rutrum commodo in in ipsum. Aliquam urna lacus, ornare ac tempor quis, malesuada non magna. Quisque placerat auctor eros, sed tincidunt felis pretium at. Curabitur augue nulla, porta in malesuada volutpat, pulvinar a mi. Mauris tristique porttitor elit sed lobortis. Morbi sollicitudin blandit eros, at lacinia erat euismod vitae. Pellentesque nec odio tellus. Phasellus a eros tortor. Mauris pretium viverra vulputate. Suspendisse faucibus scelerisque ipsum at auctor. Aliquam sit amet malesuada lacus. Mauris ut nisi a purus blandit suscipit. Sed lacus arcu, pellentesque fermentum pulvinar vitae, molestie non nibh. Donec sem est, congue eu ultricies et, tempor ac turpis. Nullam felis odio, suscipit eu tincidunt quis, gravida eget massa.

[googleMaps addr="4 Yawkey Way~Boston, MA 02215" addoverview=0 label="GOOLE_MAP_LABEL" width=100% height=400 align="left" ]

Sed accumsan vulputate

Donec sem est, congue eu ultricies et, tempor ac turpis. Nullam felis odio, suscipit eu tincidunt quis, gravida eget massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium venenatis dui, sed euismod felis dapibus sit amet. Ut dignissim justo sit amet tortor imperdiet mollis. Nam at purus id erat tempor varius non ac tortor. Ut pretium enim eu odio hendrerit vulputate. Praesent nibh mi, dignissim a eleifend id, ultricies ut erat. Maecenas mollis porta lacinia. Donec ultrices laoreet enim, non tincidunt mi sodales sagittis. Nulla et lectus vel enim dictum sodales vitae vel arcu. Phasellus a tortor enim. Nullam posuere hendrerit neque in porttitor.

Maecenas ut lorem imperdiet tortor rutrum commodo in in ipsum. Aliquam urna lacus, ornare ac tempor quis, malesuada non magna. Quisque placerat auctor eros, sed tincidunt felis pretium at. Curabitur augue nulla, porta in malesuada volutpat, pulvinar a mi. Mauris tristique porttitor elit sed lobortis. Morbi sollicitudin blandit eros, at lacinia erat euismod vitae. Pellentesque nec odio tellus. Phasellus a eros tortor. Mauris pretium viverra vulputate. Suspendisse faucibus scelerisque ipsum at auctor. Aliquam sit amet malesuada lacus. Mauris ut nisi a purus blandit suscipit. Sed lacus arcu, pellentesque fermentum pulvinar vitae, molestie non nibh. Donec sem est, congue eu ultricies et, tempor ac turpis. Nullam felis odio, suscipit eu tincidunt quis, gravida eget massa.

[googleMaps addr="4 Yawkey Way~Boston, MA 02215" addoverview=0 label="GOOLE_MAP_LABEL" width=100% height=400 align="right" ]

Customization Options

  • Lat: the latitude of the location to display on the map (an alternative to providing the address)
  • Long: the longitude of the location to display on the map (an alternative to providing the address)
  • Zoom: the initial zoom level of the map
  • Width: width of the map embed
  • Height: height of the map embed
  • Options: Google map options.
  • Control: Additional controls to attach to the map.
  • Maptype: the type of map you want to display (roadmap, satellite, hybrid or terrain).
  • Lang: Language of map
  • Marker: whether you want to display the red marker showing the location specified by the address or longitude/latitude attributes.
  • Addoverview: whether to display the overview map control (the arrow in the bottom right corner that expands to show the region currently being viewed).
  • Addscale: whether to display the scale control (the marking that tells you the distances represented in the map).
  • Streetview: A Street View Panorama to display when the Street View pegman is dropped on the map. If no panorama is specified, a default Street View Panorama will be displayed in the map's div when the pegman is dropped.
  • Kml: A Kml Layer adds geographic markup to the map from a KML, KMZ or Geo RSS file that is hosted on a publicly accessible web server. A Kml Feature Data object is provided for each feature when clicked.
  • Description: A localized string describing the location.
  • Label: This is the label for the marker that indicates your designated address.
  • Addr: You can display a Google Map by using your address or a latitude/longitude pair.

Helper Shortcodes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra aliquet velit quis semper. Ut eget justo massa, in sagittis massa. Phasellus vitae quam posuere erat tempor euismod. Aenean eu pellentesque dolor. Aenean lobortis lacinia imperdiet. Praesent tempus rhoncus malesuada. Nulla ultrices turpis at turpis fermentum suscipit ullamcorper turpis accumsan! Vivamus cursus neque vitae risus condimentum id tincidunt eros congue!

Integer nisl arcu, viverra in imperdiet eget, tempor sed nisl. Quisque sollicitudin blandit gravida. Cras accumsan nunc eu mi adipiscing congue. In accumsan velit neque, in sagittis nisl. Nam cursus, metus accumsan pellentesque sagittis, nisi magna tristique ipsum, commodo dignissim neque magna vel elit. Nulla facilisi. Aenean tempor blandit suscipit. Fusce dictum, nunc vitae dignissim laoreet, mauris ante consequat elit; eget dapibus libero odio eu risus. Quisque nec sapien in felis aliquet pulvinar? Vivamus vel dapibus massa. Vestibulum tempus fringilla lacus, sit amet ullamcorper leo.

 [space height='60']

Clear Floated Div’s

 [clear ]

Line Break




University of Technology is one of the most prominent Iraqi universities specialized in Engineering, Sciences and Technology Discipline, it strive to make faculty staff and students' researches keep pace with recent scientific obstacles regarding requirements of scientific discreet,by enhancing joint research cooperation with universities, institutions and companies to provide research work that contributes providing scientific solutions of society challenges.

Digital Repository


The University eagers to motivate faculty staff and students to present highly qualified applied research works published in most well-known refereed containers that become a reliable scholar resource.

Academic Research


Our Researches aim to be innovative and sustainable in providing solutions that face the scientific path, as these researches cover various Engineering, Scientific and Technology Disciplines'.

Students’ Projects


University of Technology graduation projects’ are distinguished by holism and creativity, through high care in selecting topics to be applied and inspired by the needs of the labor market.


University of Technology is one of the most prominent Iraqi universities specialized in Engineering, Sciences and Technology Discipline, it strive to make faculty staff and students' researches keep pace with recent scientific obstacles regarding requirements of scientific discreet, by enhancing joint research cooperation with universities, institutions and companies to provide research work that contributes providing scientific solutions of society challenges.

Highly Impact Research


The University eagers to motivate faculty staff and students to present highly qualified applied research works published in most well-known refereed containers that become a reliable scholar resource.

Academic Research


Our Researches aim to be innovative and sustainable in providing solutions that face the scientific path, as these researches cover various Engineering, Scientific and Technology Disciplines'.

Students’ Projects


University of Technology graduation projects’ are distinguished by holism and creativity, through high care in selecting topics to be applied and inspired by the needs of the labor market.





There’s more to university life than what happens inside the classroom. Make the most of your opportunity to get involved in campus culture, connect with others and find support

to help you succeed.

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