Monday, 13 July 2020 07:46

A lecturer from Materials Engineering Department at UOT obtains membership of the Scientific Committee for Patent Assessment at the Everest International Organization for Invention

Assist. Prof. Aseel Basim from Materials Engineering Department at the University of Technology, obtained the membership of the Scientific Committee for Patent Assessment at the Everest International Organization for Invention, she was chosen according to her sober CV, where she holds 6 patents, 15 gold medals, 25 shields, as well as 20 international researches and 30 local researches.
The International Organization for Invention, Development and Investments is an American non-profit organization with all of its legal immunity.
Its diverse group of institutions and management works in:
1. Innovation services.
2. Entrepreneurial services
3. Holding scientific and social conferences
4. Holding exhibitions of innovation
5. Organizing international competitions
6. Patent and intellectual property registration services
7. Investment and marketing services for inventions
8. Establish professional training programs
9. Publishing researches in international magazines
10. Establishing programs and conferences for women
11- Holding multiple youth programs
12. Holding conferences and programs for strategic research
13. Holding programs for young talented people
14. Submit international accreditation certificates to training experts and training institutions from Britain
15. Submit American GOIDI certificates
16. International arbitration and dispute services
17. Department of Scientific and Strategic Research
18. Offering study programs for all accredited degrees of higher education from Britain, ATHE
19. Receiving international partnerships, institutions and individuals
20. Receiving those wishing to care
21. Receiving those wishing to donate and support the organization for scientific programs and inventions
22. Multiple international membership programs from all institutions


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