Sunday, 13 September 2020 10:49

lecturer Published Nine Researches

Prof.Dr.Ahmed Talib, a lecturer at Chemical Engineering Department/ University of Technology has published nine scientific researches in international scientific sober magazines during the academic year 2019-2020 which starts according to the ministry of high studies and scientific researches on the first of september 2019 ends on the first of september 2020.
Most of the researches were published in ELSEVIER with impact factor and CiteScore on Thomson Reuters Clarivate.
it is worthy to note that all these nine scientific researches were carried out in the labs of the department within the limited capabilities compared with the international universities by students of postgraduate studies.
The attached table showed the names of lecturers and students who participated in these researches and also the name of the research, name of the magazine, the publisher and the supervisors to be used as a reference to other researchers. 

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