Wednesday, 04 November 2020 07:18

Laser Engineering and Optoelectronics Department at UOT is fogging and sterilizing the classrooms

Based on the keenness of the Presidency of Laser Engineering and Optoelectronics Department at UOT for the safety of the sixth preparatory students who take ministerial examinations and high-study students and the safety of our employees, the Crisis Management Committee in the department, under the direct supervision of the head of the department, Prof. Dr. (Jasim Kadhim Hammoud) and the Chairman of the Crisis Management Committee / Corona virus and Assist.Prof.Dr.(Muhammad Mujbel Salih), Administrative Deputy, on Tuesday, 11/3/2020, with fumigation and sterilization that included classrooms, health facilities and the halls of the department, wishing safe and sound for all.

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