Sunday, 11 December 2022 06:11

Laser Eng. Dep.  hold an awareness lecture for undergraduate students 

Among the activities carried out by the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit in Laser Eng. and Optoelectronics Dep. at UOT (2022-2023).

Dr. Alia Abdul-Ridha Abbas / Control and Systems Eng. Dep.  delivered an awareness lecture about (Culture Dealing on Campus).

The lecture dealt with guiding students of primary studies (freshmen) on how to deal within the campus and informing them the concept of community culture and the relationship between community culture and the personality of the person who lives within it.

Culture is the basic framework and medium in which the personality grows, which influences his thoughts, attitudes, values, information, skills, experiences, motives, and ways of expressing his emotions and desires.

The lecture also touched on the ingredients that help create a generation of academic students with a high cultur


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