Sunday, 11 December 2022 09:28

Laser Eng. Dep. hold an awareness lecture

 Within the activities that are done by Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at Laser and Optoelectronics Eng. Dep. at UOT (2022-2023), organized an awareness lecture about (the activation of positive use for social media).

The lecture delivered by, senior researcher / Noor Ayad Ghaeb, the employee in Human Recourses Department.

The lecture dealt with informing the undergraduate students' (sophomore) about New social media when modern societies now a days wetness the phenomena of growing of electronic technique communication. Whereas a new generation is appeared that not reacted with traditional media in equal with the electronic communication, which named Network or Internet generation and it becomes social media as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, what's up and others featured of instant and interactive, multimedia, and updating. The student directed to self-monitoring through technologic use of media and communications, due to these means are only techniques and their positive use depends the user, it will return positively and vice versa. An oral questionnaire was conducted about the use of social networks, which confirmed that most students use social networks via the Internet regularly, and there is no doubt that they were able to create a public range that had an impact on the moral value system.

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