Monday, 29 May 2017 08:51

In collaboration with the University's Technology and Center programs aimed at serving the community, including the support of projects related to the biological field, the laboratories of the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Research Center received a scientific delegation from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Nahrain University, which included students of the fourth stage and masters students accompanied by Dr. Lajin Kadri Ibrahim and Engineer Azad Ismail . The delegation was received by the director of the center, Dr. Khaled Ajmi Sukkar and teacher staff  on Tuesday 9/5/2017.

The visit included the laboratories of the Department of Biomedical Nanotechnologies, spectroscopy, advanced measurements and X-rays and identification of DNA separation and multiplication devices. In addition, many devices are used to prepare nanomaterials in different ways to obtain advanced nanomaterials.


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