Monday, 04 March 2024 09:49

The Navigation and Guidance Branch organizes a scientific visit to the General Company for Airport Management and Air Navigation


The Navigation and Guidance Branch in the Electromechanical Engineering Department at the University of Technology organized a scientific visit to the General Company for Airport Management and Air Navigation today, Sunday, 3/3/2024. This visit was accompanied by an elite group of professors from our department, headed by Prof. Muhammad Qasim Muhammad, Professor Nour Qaddouri Latif, and the students of the second stage, from the standpoint of scientific cooperation and insight into the realistic application aspect to link the theoretical and practical aspects. 

The visit aimed to introduce the students to the nature of the work of the devices and systems used in air traffic management with all their specializations and reasons.

The delegation was received by the company's General Manager, Dr. Abbas Sabbar Al-Baidhani, who provided an explanation about the nature of air navigation work and its pioneering and distinguished role in controlling Iraqi space through managing and organizing the flow of air traffic for all types of aircraft passing, arriving and departing Iraqi airspace and local airports.

The delegation was briefed on the nature of the work of the air traffic controller in the units (tower, area, and approach) in coordination with the Air Traffic Management staff, which represents managing Iraq’s airspace with the highest level of safety, security, and efficiency, and in accordance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

   In the end, the delegation supervisors expressed their thanks and appreciation to the management of the General Company for Airports and Air Navigation Management for the warm reception, expressing their happiness with this trip for gaining new information that adds valuable information that the student will benefit from in the future in the practical reality, and for providing them with the opportunity to provide them with information about the reality of their specialization.

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