Sunday, 16 February 2020 06:22

starting academic platform profile for university lecturers' staff

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According to University of Technology’s Presidency directives and the request of some scientific departments and lecturers’ staff, the University’s Web Sites Division at the Information Technology Center created an Academic platform for lecturers, by design and create an Academic Profile on all the websites of the scientific departments and centers where it has the following features:

  1. A unified professional’s profile for all University of Technology’s lecturers’ staff.
  2. A special link for each lecturer member in university, where the link contains the name of lecturer represented at the top of the site.
  3. The advantages of the academic profile link are to represent the lecturers by sending it to scientific conferences and external seminars when participated by them.
  4. Send the link, that has the same extension of university (.EDU) for represented as a CV or profile instead of sending as a PDF file.
  5. Using the link as an academic file when applying for external scholarships and training workshops which sometimes require an introductory link to the lecturer throughout university.
  6. we could add the academic profile link on lecturer scientific sites such as (Google Scholar, Researchgate ... etc) ,social and professional networking sites ( Linkedin , facebook , Google site , or any personal blog )

A workshop was held training course for 3 days  to the websites  members' departments and centers on the academic profile.

which attended by presence of the scientific assistants of the scientific departments and members of the departments, centers and directorates liaison.

You can view the academic profile through the link below:

for lecturers want to create an academic file can review the members of the websites link in their departments as an example for creating an academic profile.
















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