University Independence

University of technology has reached advanced levels at Webometrics (Ranking of World Universities) in addition to a  good position at the  classifications of scientific publishing in journals with (impact Factor)  several patents awarded to the professors  at the University by accredited international organizations. The university inaugurated many service projects inside and outside the University, characterized by scientific sobriety researches. This indicates a continuous innovation and constant academic excellence, seeking and keeping these levels of success retained a considerable support by its presidency and the academic staff.

As a reward for its achievements, Ministry Of Higher Education And Scientific Research granted the University the independency that make our University the first Independent University in Iraq. The University of technology staff has both the academic and the administrative efficiency (the University founded in 1975) they have the ability to control the university laws and regulations to be  at the same time within the general regulation of the laws of the Ministry of Higher Education And Scientific Research in Iraq.

The Independence of  University of technology led to the foundation of an atmosphere of creativity and competition between Iraqi universities , certainly the result is an  intellectual and academic development for each University, so the result  would be a prosperous country .The Independence of University of Technology  is the foundation for a new start towards an integrated University to fulfill its goal by reaching  a technological civilization as an  extension of the ancient Iraqi civilization .


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